

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
– Psalm 139:14a (NIV)

In a sermon a while back, the above verse was a part of the scripture text Dr. David Jeremiah used in speaking about God’s love. He pointed out that the word “wonderfully” is translated in some Bibles as “skillfully.” Dr. Jeremiah went on to say this word in Hebrew actually means “to embroider.” The pastor summarized this idea with an insightful word picture: “God has richly embroidered me into His master tapestry of life.”

tap-es-try: embroidery on canvas;
something resembling tapestry in complexity or design

What I know about embroidery or tapestry wouldn’t be enough to go around a spool of thread even once. But I do have a couple of impressions about this art form, which has been described as “painting with a needle.” First, what is to be created will not be accidental or just happen. The design of the artist is purposeful and intentional. Second, because of this “begin-with-the-end-in-mind” intent, each component of the piece, no matter how small, will make a contribution to the final result.

God loved me and made me. So, any ability I have at working outdoors with a camera comes from God. And because of His love for me, I want my photography to honor Him, with each composition reflecting God’s embroidery in creation. My “tapestry” is still a work in progress.

Scarlet passion flower  -  Naples Botanical Garden, Naples, Florida