Enjoy the Journey

A while back, quite a while now, I was having lunch at a local restaurant. At another table, I saw someone I knew but hadn’t seen in a while. When I went over to speak to this person, knowing of my interest in photography, he asked, “Been any place special?” to which I replied, “Every place I go is special.”

Now, this was neither a flip response nor a grand and lofty statement. And I certainly was not bragging on my photographic ability. This statement was, in fact, a confession. Because, you see, I haven’t always regarded every photographic outing as special.

For a number of years, when I would go out with my equipment, I’d have a particular subject or type of shot in mind. When that didn’t work out, for whatever reason, I would be disappointed. Sometimes very disappointed.

Although I can’t tell you exactly when that changed, what I can tell you is that I no longer worry or fret about what photographic opportunities I will or won’t find. And without preconceived expectations, I’m more open to see different possibilities. And if I don’t find anything of particular photographic interest – which sometimes does happen – I just enjoy being outdoors, away from my normal responsibilities.

Looking Glass Rock from the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina

Looking Glass Rock is an eye-catching landmark that is visible from several spots along the Blue Ridge Parkway, just south of Wagon Road Gap. But it is a challenge to obtain a good photograph of this icon because some part of it is almost always in shadow. On this particular afternoon, my wife and I were on the Parkway when a rainstorm came along. We could have turned around and headed home. Instead, we waited out the rain in our car at an overlook. After the rain stopped, the clouds acted as giant diffusers, providing the even, “Goldilocks” light for the image above. (Which I would have missed if we had headed home.)

I don’t know how it is with you, but sometimes my responsibilities, my cares, my concerns become burdens. These burdens can then act as blinders that prevent me from seeing situations, people, or opportunities that God wants me to be aware of. Perhaps Jesus had something like this in mind when he spoke these words in Matthew, Chapter 6:

I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink,
or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food,
and the body more important than clothes?

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.

Enjoy the journey. That’s the ticket.