
In his book Come Thirsty, Max Lucado talks about people of faith here on earth being “caught between what is and what will be” and then poses the question, “What do we do in the meantime?” For his answer, Mr. Lucado turns to the eighth chapter of Romans where Paul writes “. . . we Christians . . . have the Holy Spirit . . . as a foretaste of future glory . . .” Max then insightfully defines “foretaste” as an appetizer – a small sample “from heaven’s kitchen” that helps us look forward to what is to come.
I’ve been blessed through the years with a number of heavenly “appetizers”. As I write these words, Christmas is only a couple of weeks in my rearview mirror. During the days leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, I was once again moved beyond words as I watched a video of the choral piece, “Glorious Impossible.”

“A taste of apple pie a la mode for the soul”
(In heaven, I think I will be able to eat dessert first!)

Similarly, in my work outdoors with a camera, I’ve been blessed through the many examples of the beauty and majesty of God’s creation I’ve been privileged to see and photograph.

A sun star at Sun’s Eye Arch in the backcountry of Monument Valley in Arizona:

“A bite of fresh out-of-the-oven bread from Martha, the sister of Lazarus”


Afternoon light on a juniper tree at Panorama Point in Capitol Reef National Park:

“A spoonful of John the Baptizer’s honey”


Fall colors along the Middle Saluda River in Jones Gap State Park in South Carolina:

“A sip of water from a Samaritan well”

I don’t know about you, but I’m suddenly hungry. And thirsty. I think I’ll get my camera gear and head outdoors.