1-on-1 with the One & Only



HAVE YOU EVER wished you had the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ one-on-one? There were actually quite a few people who did. This book takes an in-depth look at nineteen instances in the Bible where individuals talked to Jesus face-to-face. We know the names of some of these folks. Others are anonymous, at least to us. Quite a few of these conversations had a positive impact on the lives of the individuals involved. Other meetings did not turn out so well. Regardless of the outcome, however, I believe examining these encounters with Jesus can shed Son rays of light on our journeys along the paths of life and faith.

115 pages           ISBN: 978-0-9885153-3-8           PDF File Size: 1.4 MB



During his time on earth, Jesus’ encounters with individuals included . . . a Roman soldier whose battle garb hid a compassionate and insightful heart . . . a woman who wouldn’t take “No!” for an answer . . . a man whose fortune wasn’t sufficient to insure his future . . . a person who realized the gigantic importance of a small two-letter word . . . a widow whose tears of sorrow became tears of joy . . . a tax collector who found his personal ledger didn’t balance. These and more than a dozen other one-on-one discussions from the four Gospels are highlighted in this book. Each section includes a summary of the scripture passage, and an examination of the encounter including what we can learn from it and apply to our lives today. At the end of each section are questions you can use for further study or reflection.


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  1. 1-on-1 with the One & Only  (a PDF file)