Look Around You!
There once was a rich person who lived near the mountains. He also liked the coast. This guy decided to be not just wealthy, but extremely wealthy. His desire was to drive from the mountains to the sea without ever being out of sight of property that he owned. I don’t know if this man ever reached his goal before everything that he possessed was divided up and passed on to other folks.
But what I do know is that my Dad – my Heavenly Father – owns it all. Everything!
From the mountains . . .
to the sea.
From the tiny wildflower . . .
to the towering tree.
From the butterfly . . .
to the bison.
Even the pearly-white moon . . .
and the shimmering sun.
Yep! It’s all His!
Look around you:
Everything you see is God’s –
the heavens above and beyond,
the Earth, and everything on it.
– Deuteronomy 10:14 (The Message)
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
– Psalm 24:1a (New Living Translation)
P.S. When I get to heaven, I would like to ask God about what His thinking was on the mosquito.
– Paraphrase from a sermon on September 10, 2023
by Skip Heitzig, Senior Pastor
Calvary Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico