OREGON  –  BANDON  –  Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint

Notes: The Oregon coast is famous for its sea stacks, from house-sized to building-sized rock formations located offshore. Fanciful names such as Wizard’s Hat and Cat and Kittens add to their allure. Also known as Face Rock Wayside, this spot along Oregon’s south coast is a great place to see examples of these ocean-based monoliths. Early morning and late day are the best times to visit Face Rock. Stairs to the beach provide a way to get a closer view of the rocks as well as explore the intertidal zone. Coordinating your visit with low tide will optimize these opportunities. This scenic area is located at 2374 Beach Loop Drive. There are restrooms and picnic tables here.

Late-day light  -  Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint, Oregon

&spsp.;Reflection from sea cave  -  Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint, Oregon  &spspspsp;Sunset  -  Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint, Oregon