Carpe Opportunity

For more than three decades, I worked in an 8-to-whenever job in Information Technology. Occasionally – no, make that frequently – when I thought about retirement, I looked forward to being able to go out and photograph whenever I wanted to; not just on vacation or the infrequent Saturday.

I wasn’t retired for very long before I recognized that family responsibilities, church commitments, and household tasks often can and should take priority. In addition, weather and other conditions sometimes limit optimal times to be outside with a camera. So, when I can go out and do nature photography, I try to intelligently use that time and make the most of that opportunity.

Pleasant Ridge Falls  -  Pleasant Ridge County Park, Greenville County, South Carolina

&spsp.;Trout lily  -  Talking Trees Trail, Holmes Educational State Forest, North Carolina&spspspsp;Fall colors, Table Rock reflection in Pinnacle Lake  -  Table Rock State Park, South Carolina

In his letter to the church at Ephesus, probably written in the early 60s A.D., Paul encouraged believers to wisely use their time, energy, and resources as they strive to be God’s representatives in their journey of faith. That advice still applies to us in the 21st century.

Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of every opportunity

– Ephesians 5:15-16a (NIV)