In late September 2024, the remnants of Helene, a Cat 4 hurricane, tore through the Southeast. My wife Jean, growing up in south Florida, lived through several hurricanes. But Helene was the worst storm I’ve ever experienced. Greenville, South Carolina, had more than 36 hours of rain totaling 11.5 inches. Wind howled through the night with gusts of 65 mph. And since we lost power several hours ago, I’m writing this with a pencil and a pad sitting in a chair by a window through which comes reluctant, weak, gray daylight. All of this has reminded me how much of what I do every day depends on electrical power. And how vital it is to prepare for situations like the current one by insuring that flashlight and cell phone batteries are charged and ready to provide power.
When I go out to photograph, I am also dependent on electrical energy from batteries to operate my cameras. Therefore, I make sure all of my energy sources are fully charged before I go out. Then, when I’m out in the field, I’m careful to protect my power sources from temperature extremes which can more quickly drain their energy and limit their usefulness.
Even when the weather outside is pleasant, everyday living brings different kinds of storms: fractured relationships, difficult jobs, overflowing to-do lists, health issues. That’s why it is even more important that I keep my spiritual batteries charged. Quiet time, Bible study, and prayer certainly help me with this. And worshipping regularly with a body of believers renews my heart, mind, and spirit. These “charging stations” assist me not just with everyday challenges, but also with spiritual hurricanes – which often come along without advance warning.