Ode to Joyful Noise

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
                                      – Psalm 100:1a (KJV)

Many, many years ago, I was riding along with my sister, who was driving her beloved white Mustang. It was a beautiful sun-drenched day. She had turned the radio on and I was whistling along with the music. After a few moments, she asked me, “What’s the name of that song?” Without hesitation I told her. She responded, “I know the name of the song on the radio. But what’s the name of the tune you’re whistling?” (Yes, my own sister actually said that.)

Every year between March and early June, hundreds of wild birds fly into Alligator Farm Zoological Park in St. Augustine, Florida. In the trees there, they mate, build nests, lay eggs, and raise and fledge their young. During late April and early May in particular, scores of hatchlings are making known their presence and their need to be fed. The cacophonous din emanating from the chicks is unlike anything else I’ve experienced in nature.

&spsp.;Wood stork chicks and adult (right)  -  Alligator Farm Zoological Park, St. Augustine, Florida&spspspsp;Roseate spoonbill adult (left) and chicks  -  Alligator Farm Zoological Park, St. Augustine, Florida

&spsp.;Tri-colored heron chicks and adults  -  Alligator Farm Zoological Park, St. Augustine, Florida&spspspsp;Great egret chicks  -  Alligator Farm Zoological Park, St. Augustine, Florida

But you know what? I’m guessing that God doesn’t hear this as noise. To Him, these are joyful sounds coming from new members of His creation.

On occasion, I still whistle. But it is usually only where God can hear my joyful noise.