Notes: Death Valley National Park is a place of surprising diversity and beauty. It can also be a place of incredible heat. So, avoid going during May – September, if at all possible. From a weather perspective, spring can be a wonderful time to be in this area; but lots of other folks are of the same opinion, which makes this large national park seem a bit small at that time of year. Both of my visits to Death Valley occurred in late October, which is when I would suggest going. The places I’ve found to be worth visiting are: Artists Drive, Badwater Basin (lowest point in North America), Dantes View, Devils Golf Course, Harmony Borax Works Interpretive Trail, Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, and Zabriskie Point. Whenever you go, make sure you use common-sense desert precautions including (1) staying hydrated, (2) using sunscreen, and (3) wearing a hat and sunglasses. A fee or an appropriate pass is required for entrance into the park.

View of Death Valley from Dantes View  -  Death Valley National Park, California

&spsp.;View along Artists Drive  -  Death Valley National Park, California  &spspspsp;View from Zabriskie Point  -  Death Valley National Park, California

&spspspspsps; Sand dune ridges, animal tracks  -  Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California  &spspspspspspspsp;Late-day light on sand dunes, Amargosa Range  -  Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California

&spsp.;Badwater Basin  -  Death Valley National Park, California  &spspspsp;Roadrunner  -  Death Valley National Park, California